Monday, March 22, 2010

Fake Mustaches and Principal's Pride

I had to show this picture of Jackson with his fake mustache. In Jackson's class, when they earn enough points for good behavior, they get a "Treasure Tower Token." They take a token to a toy machine (like at the grocery store) and they can pick out a prize. Every time he earns a token, he picks a fake mustache. It has been hilarious! Sometimes they are black, and sometimes they are a blonde color. One time, he even picked out a "soul patch." It cracks me up every time he comes out of school with a fake mustache on.
Jackson was nominated by his teacher, Mrs. Dunn, for the Principal's Pride award! She nominated him because he has been getting 100% on all of his spelling tests. They had a special assembly for all of the kids that received the award, and then they all had their picture taken with the principal. We are definitely proud parents!

This is the part of the assembly where Jackson was called up by the principal. She is talking about his mad spelling skills!

They posted all of the kids' special work in the hall at school. You can see one of Jackson's spelling tests was on display. We love this Kindergartener!


Amanda said...

I bet you guys are so proud. what a cute boy even with fake mustaches. Ü I seem to remember you being a good speller, he must get is from his mama.

Paula said...

Congratulations, Jackson. You are definitely one S-m-a-r-t boy! Keep setting a good example for Bowen and Alivia!!

Alder Family said...

He is too cute! What a good boy!

Advice from Ordinary People Flourishing Together said...

That is awesome. You guys have a way cute family.