Tuesday, March 9, 2010

First Two Weeks

I thought I would start this post off with pictures of Bowen and his "babies" the night we came home with Alivia from the hospital. I started noticing his nurturing side coming out as I walked around the house!

Sandy the dog tucked in nicely with a burp cloth.

Red dog tucked in nicely under the rug with his own little binki. You can tell already that he is a great big brother!

Alivia hanging out with Bowen while Jackson is at school. Right before I took the picture, I could hear Bowen saying to her, "I love you, buddy." (2 weeks)

Already a genius developmentally! Doesn't it look like she's kind of smiling!

Still not quite sure what to do with her hands.

Jackson LOVES to hold Alivia. Sometimes, he won't let go of her when I try to take her from him. Bowen acts more like a protector. He is always concerned when she cries, and likes to make sure we aren't going to hurt her when we change her diaper.

Justin loves to sit and hold her when he gets home from work. He usually takes over her care just so he can spend a couple of hours with her before she goes to bed. Daddy's little girl, for sure!
The first two weeks with 3 have gone better than I ever thought! My mom came and helped us for the first week and got us back on our feet. Alivia is so sweet and is a joy to have around. Even though sleep isn't what it used to be around here, we are enjoying this little girl!


Joanna and Chris said...

Oh man the dog under the rug is so funny. Such cute kids!

Paula said...

Jackson and Bowen are so loving right now to each other and to Alivia. I would like to take a leap into the future ten years from now and just see the relationship between these three. I think they'll be golfing or playing catch and really enjoying each other.

Amanda said...

glad to see everything is going well. Love the little babies everywhere, what a cute boy.

Heather said...

Bowen is so cute!!! She is too cute Jill. I am so excited that you have a cute little girl and her two big brothers to help take care of her.

Bryan Crew said...

Alivia is really, really cute. She is looking more and more like her own person. I'll be worried when you post the picture of Alivia covered up by the walk-way rug with Bowen smiling off to the side. Those dimples are a cover up for a little boy with a big plan...