Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Two Special Ladies

I want to highlight two very special ladies in our lives. In a sense, they traded places; one going home and one coming to a new home. My sweet Grandma Hanson died on February 12. I feel so blessed to have been able to visit her a few days before she died, and have a really neat experience with her then. Her funeral was on February 20 in Spanish Fork.
Our sweet baby girl, Alivia, was born early on February 21. What an emotional 24 hours for our family. I am certain that our little Alivia had her own special time with my Grandma before coming to our family.

My Grandma was an amazing Matriarch. She was the glue that held her family together--4 children, 22 grandchildren, and 55 great-grandchildren to be exact. And every single person was present at her funeral with many flying in from all parts of the country. If you were to ask any of her grandchildren, they would tell you that they were her favorite. That is how special she made everyone feel. (She really did tell me once that I was her favorite :)).
At her funeral, I shared a quote from Joseph F. Smith that describes my grandma. He said, "I have often said, and will repeat it, that the love of a true mother comes nearer being like the love of God than any other kind of love." I have a wonderful example in her and in my own mom of this kind of love. We miss you Grams!

My greatest blessings! Aren't they awesome! We are so excited to have this little girl in our family. There is certainly something sweet about a little baby girl. Alivia arrived on February 21 at 7:11 in the morning. She weighed 7 pounds 7 ounces and was 19 inches long. She's healthy and beautiful! Here are some pictures of her first day with us!

Lucky for us, my sister Alison and her family were in town for the funeral, so she was able to come to the hospital to see Alivia before flying home. She also took care of my kids while we went to the hospital. We were so glad to have them with us. Joanna and Chris, and my mom and dad were also close by to welcome Alivia.

Our first visitors!

She's already got him wrapped around her little finger. Don't you think she looks like her Daddy?

Fresh from heaven--weighing in at 7 pounds 7 ounces. We feel so blessed to have her here and healthy. These two special ladies are certainly a blessing in our lives.


Lindy said...

Jill~ So glad you posted some pics. She is darling!!! Congrats

Muranda said...

jill....i am so sorry that you lost your grandma. i believe so strong that when you lose someone special you gain someone special...that is what happened with my sweet gramps and blake.

alivia is the cutest little thing...she looks just like her daddy! how in the world did 7.7 come out of your tiny little body?!?!?

congrats congrats!!!

ashli said...

What a sweet post Jill! I had been waiting to meet that little angel here on the blog. I do want to come out and meet her in person but it will have to wait.

Hope everything is going well!

Sending my sympathy your way in the loss of your sweet grandma.

Unknown said...

Congrats on your sweet new angel. She is so precious. We can't wait to meet her.

JB Mauss said...

Sorry to hear about your grandma. No question everybody met in passing. Every birthday your baby girl has - you will always remember a sweet grandma too! Congrats on the baby! I think every mom should have a baby girl. :) Not that I don't love my boys to death - there's is just something. We are so happy for you all.


Amanda said...

sorry to hear about your grandma, but also glad you got to spend somet time with her and have her be such a big part of your life. I am so excited for you to have a girl. I know I have said it before, but i really am. The picture of her and Justin is so cute and I am sure they will have such a cute relationship. I wish I was still in Utah and we could have some bow making parties. you are going to have so much fun!!!

Goodrich's said...

I've been waiting to see pictures of this sweet little lady! She sure is a cutie and I can't wait to see her in person! Congrats...

Paula said...

I, too, think Mom and Alivia enjoyed a hug in heaven before Alivia joined your sweet family! I'm anxious to see the protective instincts your boys will develop for Alivia. Mark was pretty protective of Joanna!

Heather said...

Jill, she is so beautiful. Congratulations. Did this pregnancy go by fast for you because it did for me.

Katie said...

Sooooo Cute! I love her blond hair. She does look just like Justin. Hope you are feeling well! Can't wait to meet her in person.

Jake, Teylor, Walker & Hayes said...

congrats!! We love her to pieces!! I am so happy that Hayes will have a cousin close to his age! You guys are the best...and most popular:)

Miranda at Marz Haus said...

Congratulations, Jill! I am so happy for you. Alivia is beautiful! And I am so sorry to hear about your grandma. She was wonderful, I loved spending time at her house when we were in high school.

Darbee said...

Congratulations Mauss Family! We are so happy for you guys! There is something so special about little girls. I can't wait to meet yours soon. All our love and best wishes...
Love, Darbee

Bryan Crew said...

I had many fabulous memories of that weekend. One of my favorites is when I got to sleep upstairs and listen for your boys when you left for the hospital. I loved it when Bowen called out in a totally monotone voice: "I need a drink." You just had to be there.
Alivia is a ball of cuteness and I think she was wise to choose to be part of your family.

Gina said...

Oh she is so cute and she looks like a Mauss. I can't wait to see her. I've been wanting to come by but I am waiting until there are no runny noses and no coughing children in my house. Congrats!