Valentine's Day is so fun and exciting for our kids! This was Bowen's first year doing "real" Valentine's (you know, the kind you buy from the store) because it is his first year in school. He chose Toy Story valentines with tattoos. He wrote his name on all of his little valentines for the kids in his class. He did a great job! He told me he didn't want to get any princess valentines from the girls in his class. Much to our surprise, due to sickness, he was the only boy in his class to come to school for the Valentine's party! Luckily, a lot of the girls did unisex valentines, so he didn't seem to mind a bit!
This was also a Valentine's Day first for Jackson too--his first Valentine's box! He wanted to do BYU sports (hence the Jimmer #32 reference--I wonder if Jimmer realizes kids are doing Valentine's boxes with his number on them???). I thought it turned out really cute! I went in his classroom and helped with the Valentine's party. He was really excited, and kept coming up and hugging me and holding my hand! I love it and hope it lasts for as long as possible!
This is the Valentine Jackson made for Bowen at school. I love his handwriting, and I love his message even more! "I love you because you play with me!" Bowen was so pleased. He carried it around the rest of the night with a smile on his face.
The kids and I were able to have a great Valentine's weekend in Price! Justin had to work, so he missed out on all of the fun. My kids love going to Price, basically because it's like a vacation! They play the Wii, eat yummy food (thanks to Grandma, of course), play games, ride scooters, and so on and on.... The boys talked Grandpa into taking them up to Dog Hill too (it wasn't warm enough for me yet). They are anxiously awaiting for warmer weather so next time we can go to the skatepark!
HAPPY VALENTINE'S TO ME!! Justin had these ready and waiting for me when we got home from Price. Yipee! I've been doing laundry all day with a smile on my face!
I can't even express how jealous I am of the washer and dryer! I bet laundry is so much more fun now! Love the valentine's box. You should have made one for yourself and put in on the kitchen counter, just in case. :)
I still have the Valentine Jackson made for me taped to the kitchen cupboard. I love it and I love all of you!
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